Friends, I'm hearing from many people that they are struggling; we've all been stretched thin for so long now and the post-holiday Covid spike and outpouring of white supremacist hatred and violence sweeping the United States are tragic weights to add to what we are already enduring. I'll be holding space this weekend to gather for strength and clarity.
Saturday January 16: Gathering for Peace and Courage
8 - 9:45am Pacific Time Turning Inward: Self-massage and Deep Relaxation
9:45 - 10:15am Break
10:15 - 11:45am Coming Together: Satsang and Meditation
We will, of course, be gathering via Zoom. There is no expectation for you to turn your camera on; choose what feels good to you. The morning will begin by tending to ourselves with loving tenderness; I will lead simple, easy-to-follow self-massage and gentle, seated stretching followed by deep relaxation. I've been offering these sessions for a couple of months and they have been warmly appreciated, with folks saying things like I feel like I took a house off of me! and I feel grounded for the first time in a long time.
Then we'll take a half hour break. You might have a snack, go for a small walk, or do some journaling and reflection -- a rest from the Zoom-space and time to feel into the shifts you have made. It's okay to come just for the inward-turning early portion. If you choose, we'll continue onward by coming together for satsang – a gathering of spiritual practitioners for conversation; commonly the teacher speaks spontaneously in response to questions from the community. This will be a place to discuss spiritual concerns, or how best we can use practice to support living. We will follow this with guided meditation.
- All are welcome. Please feel free to share the invitation.
- No experience is required.
- Feel free to have your camera off or on; I know a lot of folks Zoom intensively for work and I encourage you to participate as serves you best. Almost everyone leaves their camera off, but if it feels nourishing to know I am seeing you, you can turn yours on any time.
- Yes, it's okay to come for just part of the Gathering.
- Dress in something warm and comfortable. Have pillows and a blanket ready and perhaps personal items for comfort. The great thing about a Zoom class is you're at home in privacy! Stuffed animals, favorite ratty T-shirt, bunch of crystals, scented candle, hot cocoa... make it special for yourself.
- You are welcome to drop me a line with questions, as always.
On Payment
Payment is deeply appreciated. Payment is not required; I understand that many people are out of work, and your presence is a contribution to our community, too. Payment can be made by Paypal to dahlia@beloved.org. I decline to suggest a price; our community is spreading globally and even if I suggest a wide sliding scale, the value of local currencies can make it intimidating. You are welcome to pay what feels right for your means and the value of this time. All payment is received in gratitude and love. Thank you.
Zoom details
(same link I've been using since December began):
Kristie Dahlia Home is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 979 3263 7709
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Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aboMz0tCCW