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Posts from James Home


Everyday Magnificence: Frigatebirds

I found them breathtaking from the start, appearing in their in elegant soaring congregations hundreds of feet above us, welcoming us to the waters of Pacific Mexico as we made our way around Cabo San Lucas.…

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Tips on the TIP, Mexico’s Golden Ticket

It’s last year, the middle of September. Rejoice should be anchored out in the lee of Avalon, our first visit to picturesque Catalina, the island off the coast of Los Angeles that was to be one of the highlights of our…

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Get Free?

Walking back to my office from lunch with the team, Daniel elbows me and with his irrepressible grin points at the license plate of what he does not yet know is my car. "Do you think that guy is a Buddhist…

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Tools We Carry Onboard

I've always had strong feelings about tools, but on a broken boat in the middle of an ocean, they take on a new importance. I originally put this list together for Brittany from Windtraveler when she was trying to piece…

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